Tuesday, May 18, 2010

head ow.

it's like a headache, but different.

happens when you change/go off anti-depressants.

due to a MAJOR paperwork fuckup, i am without insurance.

and while the motto i created for cymbalta is correct ( cymbalta, this shit works ) - it's also some crazy-ass ( no pun intended ) expensive shit that i can no long afford.

i've applied for assistance from lily - and gotten samples from my primary dr - but lily hasn't contacted me yet - and the samples from the doc are exhausted ( and so am i )

i am on 2 other meds - and the 'scrips ran out - and to get more, i'm having to cough up the cash to go the dr - which i'm doing on thursday.

let's hope this means that the headaches are on their way out.

cause damn.

really damn.