sometime in the last month or so, life changed.
i don't know if it was the fact that i'm realizing how lucky i am in my life - i have friends going thru divorces, unplanned job changes, fighting and beating cancer, all manner of trials and tribulations. and i realize i'm really happy. well, maybe not happy- cause that can be fleeting - to me happy is situational - i got a new lipgloss, i'm happy - but i have a calm joyfulness now.
i still go thru moments of the suck - but they are moments, and go quickly.
stacey ( mayhaps my wisest friend ever ) has helped me remember how much i have - not things, but in my spirit - and it's a beautiful spirit. i let others opinions and experiences and expectations cloud that for a while - and i had some ( and i learned this from a young age ) problems with taking it personally when people didn't meet my expextations for them. i was focused on what i thought was right for them more than what was/is right for me. i've really taken the concept of "not my sock" and applied it to my life ( more on that turn of phrase later )
my friend rob is on a physical journey of self discovery in europe as i type - and christ knows he and i have had serious issues over the years, but lately i have a policy of brutal honestly towards how i feel about him, and what concessions i'm willing to make or not make to have our friendship continue or have it wither on the vine.... this is part of our IM conversation yesterday
it is a good snapshot of where i am right now.
hi eeyore! how doing?
I'm good :)
took a day trip to Pisa :)
saw the tower
it doesn't suck to be rob does it?
well... to be honest I am sore and missing people :(
but still enjoying it
miss you hug
i like to think you are sore and miss just me. but - you do know other people!
I am starting to drink and think more now over here
thinking and drinking often go together - but so do other 'ings - wear a condom. and what are you thinking mister?
what I want to do with my life when I get home
and what is that?
I don't know.... I am chewing on it :)
so what are you up to?
hum. i know you well enough - that you DO have ideas, but don't wanna "word" 'em yet. ...i am puttering around with musics and doing some housework this am - might go get a tattoo this afternoon, and girl's night w/ donna tonight. it be me
I am chewing settling down... and if I can... and what they will mean for me
and if I want that to be in Atlanta or not
grad school or no grad school
working for myself full time or not
those things
im glad Donna has been so steady in your life
tell her I said hi even though she loathes me
ah. decided who you wanna settle down with? and hasn't that something you've actually been considering for a while? i'm considering going back to school this fall - dunno if it will be for any degree, or just to keep my brain active - considering some poly sci classes. i think loathes is a little strong - a lot strong.
well... I care about Saffron a lot.... but I need to be sure... figured the time away would tell me a lot
poly sci!
wow. really? saffron. hum.
you could then flirt with Maddow ;)
honey, i'd make a MOST excellent middle of a maddow/oberman sammich
I don't know... if I knew... I would say her for sure
but I dont
I think more school for you sounds fun!
hum. i'm not sure how i feel about that - but it's really none of my bid-ness. you need to do what's gonna make you happy
me either... and right now I am not going to stress over it... I have a lot to see here
answers will come when they should right?
i think answers come, when we're really open to receiving them. without agenda or influence. ( god, i sound like a hippie lately ) but i find that i say i'm waiting on answers a lot - but i'm actually waiting for signs for the answer to agree with what i actually want
that is rather enciteful :)
i have my moments, i'm getting sagelike in my old age ( i refuse to sumbit to crone yet)
well in like 50 years with you reach 70 yrs old.... you will make a good crone
bwha. look here - i'ma be 40 is a few short days. and it's fantastic. i feel like a grown up who KNOWS herself. it's really liberating. i have had this kind of 'shift' in the last several months - and i'm so fucking good with who "i" am. it makes me frustrated that i never had a daughter, i'd love to help someone become who "they" are.
I love seeing you enpowered :)
it makes me smile!
i dunno what happened, i finally realized that 'i' was enough. and if some man never got that - it's really his loss and not mine. he's not ready - and i may never find one that it...and i can decide if that's what's gonna define my life - and for today i've decided it's not. i'd love to love and be loved back - but if that doesn't happen. it's not making 'me' any less.....god, fuckin' hippie :)
God damn I miss you
I wish I could hug you now
when i get back we need a night of grilling and booze
i'm at the place where i really like who i am, i know who i am, and i am MORE than enough.
pretty fuckin' good stuff.
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